Quiz Results

Deficient Earth

Earth Basics

The Earth Element is what keeps us grounded in reality and connected to the physical world. Earth is a receptive, Yin energy with the qualities of cold and dry. Cold initiates a slower, more compressed mode of being, while dryness separates and solidifies.

Earth provides the stability and structure of life and allows us to establish roots and create an environment that feels safe and secure. The fact that we can physically touch, move and hold Earth makes this the most tactile of all the elements and directly correlates to the five senses and our embodied experiences.

Balanced Earth

Realistic, firm, practical, consistent, controlled, responsible, constructive, stable, calm

Earth gives a love of tradition, food, nature, and comfort, along with an appreciation for common sense, hard work, endurance and material security.

Lack of Earth

When someone has little or no active Earth, then the practicalities of life and the ability to establish oneself in the physical world can become very challenging. Earth is dense and deep, so the absence of Earth can make someone prone to spreading themselves too thin, feeling scattered, erratic, and insecure.

Managing finances, home and the physical body can become problematic. You might struggle to stick with things or establish consistent systems and routines. There can be an overall lack of direction and a tendency to get lost in fanciful or impractical ideas and a stack of goals that never materialize.

Putting down roots through long-term commitments in work and relationships can induce feelings of anxiety, and there can be an overarching theme of avoidance when it comes to taking on responsibility. 


Earth is the most physical element, so the best place to start is by intentionally creating opportunities for physical contact with Earth and things that come from the Earth.

Simple ideas include:

  • Walk barefoot outdoors every single day (weather permitting)

  • Keep a small bowl of dirt near you and touch it regularly

  • Consume more root vegetables

  • Keep Earth stones or crystals in your pocket

Learn More

There are many ways to wake up your hidden Earth qualities and find more stability and grounding in your life. If you'd like to learn more, then sign up for our newsletter to receive regular tips and suggestions on working with your elements and understanding their philosophical foundations.