Quiz Results
Deficient Water
Water Basics
The Water Element speaks to the emotional realm and shows how we connect and relate to others. Life begins in the watery womb and this element describes what helps us feel nurtured, fed and supported. Water is a receptive, Yin energy with the qualities of cold and wet. Cold initiates a slower, more compressed mode of being, while moisture is soft, flexible and unifying.
Water is the awareness of our own feelings and how sensitive we are to the mood and feelings of others. This is a binding and blending element that is guided by intuition and emotion. Water inherently lacks the ability to separate, therefore this element is focused on the collective rather than the individual. The flow of Water can frequently change course as it follows the path of least resistance, seeping into every crack and merging with other streams as it journeys to lower, more protected ground. The ultimate goal of water is to gather together and be fully absorbed into the larger collective.
Balanced Water
Caring, passionate, comforting, devoted, protective, expressive, kind, flexible, loyal, and intuitive.
A high capacity for receiving, perceiving and reflecting with good awareness and sensitivity to the realm of feelings. The ability to generate healthy forms of nurturing and nourishing without becoming overwhelmed or absorbed by the emotions of others.
Lack of Water
When someone has little or no active Water it can be difficult to form connections or intuitively know how to nourish and support yourself and others. You may not feel comfortable expressing your feelings, and others may see you as rigid or unemotional. Your communication style can be straight-forward or abrupt and you can struggle with changing circumstances.
Difficulties with new directions or going with the flow can impact your finances, home life and body. Sharing resources with others can be a challenge and your tendency to avoid risk could limit financial possibilities. The comforts of home and familiar places and faces may not be as important, and you may struggle to form deep connections. Your rational, no-nonsense approach can sometimes feel distant or unsympathetic to others and you may experience problems with bones, joints, dry skin and slower digestion.
In work and relationships responsibility and duty often come before passion, and you may prefer independence over partnerships. A lack of flexibility can increase rigidity and stubbornness, and you will usually keep your ideas, thoughts and feelings to yourself. Having less water is good for establishing clear boundaries and helps you avoid being pulled into other people’s drama. Your dry constitution can also provide a structured approach to life and the confidence to go your own way.
Water combines the Aristotelian qualities of cold and wet. When someone is lacking water, they often demonstrate traits of being too hot and dry. In order to create more balance, it is necessary to introduce more moisture while lowering your heat.
Simple ideas include:
Allow for more unstructured time or hobbies that encourage creative flow
Deepen your relationships with friends and family
Increase water consumption and water activities such as swimming or baths
Reduce spicy foods and increase oil, fruit and dairy
Keep Water stones or crystals in your pocket such as Aquamarine or Moonstone
Learn More
There are many ways to wake up your hidden Water qualities and find more fluidity and connection in your life. If you'd like to learn more, then sign up for our newsletter to receive regular tips and suggestions on working with your elements and understanding their philosophical foundations.